Monday 1 March 2010

Representation in our music promo video

In this lesson we made a table on exactly what we wanted to represent and how we represented it in our music video. Here are the idea I came up with:

What did I want to represent?

  1. Typical teenage love story/issues
  2. Past and present memories
  3. Meaningful lyrics
  4. Non-conventional 'RnB' stereotype of women
  5. A timeline feel
  6. Portraying modern technology

How did I represent it?

  1. Through the setting, mise-en-scence, narrative, storyline, choice of clothing and urban shots we successfully managed to replicate a typical teenage love story.
  2. We represented the past through the black and white clips and depicted the present through the coloured clips.
  3. Our lyrics we made up link into our storyline and therefore meaning is given to the lyrics as they are easily understood by the audience.
  4. We worked against the typical stereotype of women in today's 'RnB' videos. Our protagonist is not represented in a sexual way, but in a more modest manner. There are no parts of our music promo video where we see Sarah showing off her body in a porogative way.
  5. We were able to productively create a timeline feel to our music promo video by applying the photo album effect on the iMacs.
  6. As many 'RnB' videos today typically portray the latest gadgets in their videos, we decided to represent some in our video. We have included clips of a most recent phone being shown and a car.

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